Lent Schedule:

  • Ash Wednesday – February 14 at 6:30pm
    This time will begin with Wednesday Night Supper being served in the Student Space.  At 6:30, we will begin a special worship experience to really allow us to explore the meaning of Lent and why Ash Wednesday is important.
  • Lent Small Group – Wednesday Nights during Lent at 6:30pm
    Led by Pastor Jeremy Auvil, this group will explore the history and theology of Lent. We will also go into more detail on some of the messages in our Lent sermon series, Spiritual Disciplines.
  • Palm Sunday – March 24 at 9:30am
    Worship with us this Sunday as we observe the beginning of Holy Week.
  • Holy Week Devotions – March 25-29 at noon online
    Each day of Holy Week, a different Clearbranch staff member will lead a short devotion on our Facebook and Youtube pages.
  • Good Friday Service – March 29 at 6:30pm
    Join us as we come together to observe Good Friday.
  • Big Hunt – March 30 from 2-4 pm
    One of our biggest events of the year!  We’ll get together here at the church and enjoy a time where we hunt eggs, enjoy treats and welcome the community to the grounds here at Clearbranch!
  • Easter Sunday – March 31
    Christ is RISEN!  We worship together to rejoice!

LENT Journal Prompts:

Each day of Lent (excluding Sundays), we are encouraging our congregation to spend some time journaling.  Listed below are the daily prompts.

  • 2/14 – Psalm 103 – When did you last experience God’s compassion? When did you offer it to others?
  • 2/15 – Luke 9: 18-25 – What are you striving for? What would GOD have you strive for?
  • 2/16 – Psalm 51:1-10 – Of what do you need to be cleansed?
  • 2/17 – Luke 5:27-32 – With whoM are you eating?
  • 2/18 – SKIP (We skip Sundays during this season to focus on our usual worship times)
  • 2/19 – Matthew 25:31-46 – How are you treating the “least of these”?
  • 2/20 – Matthew 6:7-15 – Who do you need to forgive? Why?
  • 2/21 – Jonah 3:1-10 – Where is your Ninevah and why aren’t you going?
  • 2/22 – Matthew 7: 7-12 – For what are you asking God? For what are you Scared to ask him?
  • 2/23 – Ezekiel 18:21-28 – When have you felt that God was unfair? Was he?
  • 2/24 – Philippians 3:13-21- What do you need to forget? What should you move toward?
  • 2/26 – Psalm 79:1-9 – What do you hope that God forgets?
  • 2/27 – Isaiah 1:2-4, 16-20 – What is your greatest struggle in obedience?
  • 2/28 – Matthew 20:17-28 – Describe a time when you have been too concerned with status?
  • 2/29 – Jeremiah 17:5–10 – When have you placed more trust in yourself than in God?
  • 3/1 – Genesis 37:3–4,12–28 – When has God transformed a pit into a blessing?
  • 3/2 – Micah 7:14–20 – Describe a time when you have been Shepherded by God.
  • 3/4 – Psalm 42:1–7 – Recount a time when you felt that God was distant from you?
  • 3/5 – Matthew 18:21–35 – As a forgiven person, what stands in the way of you forgiving others?
  • 3/6 – Deuteronomy 4:1–2,5–9 – What are your expectations in following God’s word?
  • 3/7 – Psalm 95:6–11 – When have you had a hardened heart? What did or did not change?
  • 3/8 – Mark 12:28–34 – What is YOUR greatest commandment?
  • 3/9 – Luke 18:9–14 – What steps are you taking to humble yourself before God?
  • 3/11 – Psalm 30:1–6,11–13 – When have you experienced joy after weeping?
  • 3/12 – Ezekiel 47:1–9,12 – Write about a time that God has led you back to Him.
  • 3/13 – Isaiah 49:8–15 – Talk about a time that God has met your needs in the wilderness.
  • 3/14 – John 5:30–47 – When have you relied on religion rather than relationship with Jesus?
  • 3/15 – Psalm 34:15–22 – When have your spirits been crushed?
  • 3/16 – John 7:37–52 – When has your belief flowed out onto others?
  • 3/18 – John 8:1–11 – When have you thrown the first stone?
  • 3/19 – Psalm 89:1-29 – When was the last time you sang to the Lord?
  • 3/20 – Daniel 3:14–28 – Describe your “even if” moment.
  • 3/21 – John 8:51–59 – When have you been tempted to glorify yourself? How did that work out?
  • 3/22 – Jeremiah 20:7–13 – When have you been vulnerable for God?
  • 3/23 – Psalm 85:1–7 – Where are you in need of God’s mercy?
  • 3/25 – John 12:1-11 – What is the most valuable sacrifice you have made for Jesus?
  • 3/26 – John 12:20-36 – In what darkness are you walking?
  • 3/27 – John 13:21-32 – What is troubling your spirit? How are you dealing with it?
  • 3/28 – John 13:1-17, 31b-35 – How are you washing the feet of others?
  • 3/29 – John 18:1-19:42 – In what ways have you chosen the world over Jesus?
  • 3/30 – John 19:38-42 – How are you preparing for the resurrected Jesus?