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SERMON NOTES / April 21, 2024 • Genesis 32:7-12 ESV

1. The Patience of Isaac

Genesis 25:19-23 ESV

2. From Patience to Contrivance

Genesis 27:11-19 ESV

3. Jacob’s Fear and Understanding

Genesis 32:7-12 ESV


1) How does Isaac compare to Abraham? What have we

learned from our parents example (good and bad)?

2) When has God’s timing been perfect, in spite of your de-

sire for faster responses?

3) Are you praying persistently for something? How are you

doing with the waiting?

4) Have you ever deceived someone, even for reasons that

you felt justified your deception? What was the result?

5) What is the difference between birthright and blessing?

Why are both important?

6) Have you dealt with fear as a result of your actions? How

did you cope with this fear?

7) How have the conflicts that you’ve dealt with in life re-

vealed the reality that God is able to turn bad situations

into blessings and redemption?

8) How is Jacob’s name change made more clear? Remem-

ber: Israel means “one who wrestles/contends with God (and
